Saturday, June 29, 2013


At one of the local malls they have an exhibit of butterflies this summer, they have caterpillars, cocoons and the butterflies in a little green house like building both girls enjoyed it and Chloe got to make a butterfly craft as well. Inside the exhibit the butterflies liked the bright pink flowers on my bag :) Glad we got to get to this exhibit :)

Likeke Falls

We had a family hike to Likeke falls in the kaneohe area over memorial day weekend. It was a very nice kid's hike about 1/2 mile each way so Chloe did a great job. Brooke even walked the first few hundred feet before the trail became muddy and narrow. Pat and Chloe especially liked exploring the falls and climbing some rocks testing out throwing things in the falls to watch them go down the falls, it was a nice morning :)

Summer @ SS

Now summer break is in full swing both girls attend Stroller strides with me. I'm teaching twice a week once at the waterfront and once a week in our neighborhood, and take class once or twice as week. They enjoy class overall, but like going to see and play with their friends and playgroup once a week.

Chloe's Spring performance

Chloe had her ballet performance at the same location as last spring on the windward side. We saw a beautiful full rainbow on the drive over, and got a nice picture of Chloe before heading in. This year they danced to the jungle book's I wanna be like you. Chloe was partners with Ava and we got a picture of them together in the room they waited in for their turn on stage. At intermission Chloe was released and we got to enjoy the rest of the show together. It was a nice evening together :)