Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentine's Day

Chloe had a lot of fun :) The day before she attended a little valentines party with a few friends ( I forgot my camera) and decorated a few heart cookies and they did a search in the sand for little "love bugs". On V-day we had a group exercise class so it was a big one about 38 moms attended at a park in Kapolei. After the kids got to make a lei out of paper hearts, decorate cookies and a foam heart with their name. The day was ended with a yummy dinner out with some close mom friends and their kids. It was a great day for Chloe and I :)

1 year @ the Zoo

I can't believe it's already been a year since we got our zoo membership and it's time to renew. It is still Chloe's favorite place to visit and this last trip was extra fun since Daddy had the day off and could go. Chloe just loves running from exhibit to exhibit and seeing all of her favorites like the meercats, giraffes, gibbons and tortoises. It was a great trip :)