Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful day and it was great that Pat got off from work and home by 10 :) Chloe and I did her stocking while we waited and she had a great time doing that. Her favorite was the green butterfly wand. Once Daddy was home we opened the gift and Chloe seemed to like everything. She took the time to look at and play with the gifts before moving onto the next one. We got her an art easel and a Dora bike. She spent most of the evening riding laps around the house. I t was a very busy day but a wonderful one! I included a picture of her finished painting


Chloe painting her first artwork on her new art easel :)

Early Christmas morning

I thought this was cute. I took this about a minute after she came out of her room. Her first instinct was the large gift was for me not her :) It was so sweet!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

More Holiday Fun

When Pat brought home a gingerbread cookie the other day Chloe squealed with excitement, but wasn't to fond of the taste :) . We went to the library for a holiday puppet show and santa was there. The puppet show involved the kids and Chloe raised her hand to go up during the angel's sleeping song and was chosen to go up. It was the cutest thing to see her up there for her first performance :) . Chloe wasn't too sure about Santa and just wanted to be with mom near him not on his lap but really liked the goodie bag she got with stickers and a pencil.
We also went to the Honolulu city hall where they have a lot of decorations outside as well as inside. The Santa and Mrs Claus were so great (hawaiian style). Inside we found a lot of trees Chloe liked with Mickey, Minnie, Dora and others. It was a fun evening :) On Christmas eve we made Cookies for Santa, Chloe enjoyed picking out the cookie cutters and using them on the dough. Her favorite was decorating them. After the cookies were done we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas eve service at our church :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

snow video

This is of the a really decked out house in our neighborhood. Chloe really liked this house and their fake snow machine.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The start of the Christmas Season

Chloe has been having a blast! She loved decorating the house and tree. We also went to the mall we had gone to last year for the holiday train they have. She was all smiles the whole ride. At night she loves walking around the neighborhood seeing the house who have put up decorations. It has been so fun this year to see how excited she is about the season :) This past weekend we went to a light parade with some friends. It was a good time and Chloe seemed to like all of the decorated trucks and golf carts.